Hey viewers! This quarter one our projects has been a series of Typography Portraits (Don't know what they are? I will explain them in the next paragraph...) and so far they have been a good mix of fun and frustration. Sorry for the short intro! Hope you enjoy!
Typography is a type of digital art that makes images out of words. Personally I really like typography images because they just have a really cool aspect to them. I think they make a lasting impact on people because your brain process it so that the words used in the picture define the image. It makes people really feel the image and look at it in a different way. Sorry if that was really hippy-ish but it's true.
So far I've had a pretty smooth ride with creating these pictures in Adobe Photoshop. My biggest challenge was on the Advanced level portrait and that was getting my shadows and shades in my colors right. It was really difficult bur I finally figured it out. I constantly kept trying to get the colors right and I finally did. With things like that, persistence really is key.
For our entire project we've done 3 pictures, the Beginning level portrait, the Intermediate level portrait, and the Advanced level portrait. For the Beginning level portrait we had to choose an innovator from this list and make a stamp from information out of their Wikipedia page. I did Elon Musk who is one of my idols by the way, here is his awesome TED talk (the first link is to his TED and the second is to the TED home page). For the Intermediate level portrait we took a picture of a teacher on campus and created a stamp using a list of words they created. I used Preston's picture of our really cool honors math teacher Mr. McHugh. For the Advanced level portrait we all had people take pictures of us, and then we made a stamp answering our choice of 10 out of these 25 questions. Their level of difficulty is truly a broad range and the overall mission of what you are trying to get the viewer to see changes with each portrait. I think my favorite portrait would have to be, even though I really liked answering the questions, the Beginning one because Elon Musk is amazing :) I am a total fangirl. Haha.
I hoped you guys (and gals) liked this post and I will post again soon. Bye!
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