Hello Internet! Today I am going to talk about our new team animation project! We are using the Puppet Warp tool in Photoshop to animate, which you can learn more about in my last post right
here. It's pretty tedious to use, but we pulled through and finished our video on time. Enjoy!
Here is our finished video!
The 1st half of our storyboard! |
The 2nd half of our storyboard! |
So for this animation project we had to create a humorous animation that exaggerated all of our teammates' personal traits and idiosyncrasies. My team was made up of
Kaz, and myself. The traits we tried to exaggerate in ourselves were Lester's stubbornness, Kaz's obsessiveness, and my loudness. We worked really hard to portray those things and I think we did a good job. Our story is about a group of friends who go to Graphic Novel Con (our story's version of Comic Con) but Lester and Kaz get into a fight about who's fandom is the best. I eventually convince them to talk to each other and work it out so we can enjoy the rest of the convention. All three of us are pretty obsessive when it comes to fandoms so we felt that this was a great way to portray that.
Our scores! |
The humor in our story is mainly based around fandom references because that's what made the most sense for our story. In our video, Kaz is a fan of the video game Over Story (
Undertale) and Lester is a fan of the show Isaac Galaxy (
Steven Universe). We tried to make the video in a way so that people who were apart of the fandoms in real life and even those who weren't would enjoy the jokes. In this project our story also needed a life lesson (hence the title of this post) that would relate to the audience. Our animation's lesson was that all of us need to learn to accept each other's differences and find things in common. I think that it's a really important message, because everyone in the world is different and those differences are what make us who we are. We should embrace those things and love
everyone for who they are, not judge them for what
they believe or what their personal opinions are.
The overall animation rankings for our class! |
In this project we had to work with people we've never worked with before. It's always an interesting experience to work with new people, but it can get challenging at times. We had a pretty rough time with this project. I was out sick for a large part of the preparation/planning process and my teammates both missed a fair share of days. Also, our productivity level throughout the could have been better. Some of us kept getting side tracked with other things or didn't come in to work on the project during recess and lunch to help out so that made it quite difficult sometimes. I think that the biggest challenge our team faced was like I said, staying on track with the daily agenda and things we needed to get done. The greatest achievement for our
group was definitely getting to turn in our finished project on time :D.
Well, I hope y'all enjoyed this post and I will be sure to post again soon!
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